From a modest retail shop, a global empire has developed over the years, now led by Robert's children, Sathya and Meera Levin. Together, they preserve and strengthen the company's legendary reputation for producing premium cigars of exceptional quality. The shared ambition of the Levin and Fuente families to create the finest cigars in the world forms the foundation of this remarkable partnership.
It wasn’t necessarily predestined for Ashton to become one of the industry’s heavyweights, nor that industry veteran Robert Levin would one day be inducted into the prestigious Cigar Journal Hall of Fame and be honored for his lifetime achievements. It all began in the 1970s. Robert Levin completed his studies in »Communications and Media«. Although he had other plans, he followed his father’s wishes and joined the family-owned Holt’s Cigar Company, a cigar shop in Philadelphia, eventually taking it over. It’s easy to imagine that he grew to love his profession. Otherwise, he likely wouldn’t have stayed in the business for so long.
Robert Levin saw the writing on the wall and transitioned to handmade cigars at just the right time. In the mid-1980s, he introduced his first own cigar under the name »Ashton«. These were the first super-premium cigars on the US market. Since 1988, all Ashton blends have been produced at Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia under the watchful eyes of the Fuente family, with whom the Levins maintain a close friendship and a shared commitment to quality to this day.
Over the years, the modest retail shop has grown into a global empire, now led by Robert’s children, Sathya and Meera Levin. Together, they uphold and strengthen the company’s legendary reputation for producing premium cigars of exceptional quality. The shared ambition of the Levin and Fuente families to create the finest cigars in the world forms the foundation of this significant partnership.