As an international wholesaler of premium cigars, we are the crucial link between cigar producers and the premium tobacco trade. From a selected portfolio, we supply premium cigars directly to our customers.
To meet the needs of each individual retailer, we work closely with them to develop customized solutions. In doing so, we always take into account the market-specific and regional characteristics of the customer. Our many years of experience and expertise enable us to respond flexibly to individual requirements.
Smooth logistics and distribution are greatly important to us. Therefore, we rely on state-of-the-art technology and software, which we continuously develop further. Thus, we are not only able to analyze potential in the best possible way, but also have a smart and sophisticated warehousing system at our disposal. This is for the benefit of our customers who can rely on the fact that the majority of our products are ready on demand.
When the EU Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU (TPD) comes into force on May 20, 2024, manufacturers and importers of tobacco products will be obliged to provide traceability along the entire supply chain in accordance with Article 16 of the TPD. As part of the track-and-trace system, unique identification codes are affixed to each packaging unit of tobacco products. These codes enable seamless tracking from import into the European Union to distribution up to the point of sale. This allows those involved in the supply chain to track the location and sale of tobacco products.
We are well prepared for the requirements of track and trace and guarantee a smooth process as well as the complete fulfillment of legal requirements at a fair price.
To this end, we have invested in modern technologies and first-class software solutions and have created a qualified team of experts.
Thanks to our privileged location near the Port of Hamburg, which is one of the largest container ports in Europe, we can offer our suppliers an efficient logistics solution. Compliance with European regulations is often a barrier for manufacturers and brand owners. Each market has its own specific requirements in terms of duties and tax mark calculations, and warning labels. In addition, track-and-trace requirements must be complied with. With our global logistics service, we take care of all aspects of EU legislation to help our suppliers get started.
We place great importance on understanding our suppliers’ needs and providing them with the best possible service. This includes optimal climatic storage conditions for tobacco products, which we carefully monitor using state-of-the-art technology. Our warehouse management software enables us to provide efficient processing and automated reporting.
Our close cooperation with suppliers enables us to offer customized solutions that meet their individual requirements. We assist them in meeting all logistical requirements and making their path to the European market smooth.
We see ourselves as brand ambassadors on the B2B level. We see it as our task to turn customers into fans of our brands. We are always interested in the story of the product and are committed to each brand as if it were our own.
We are one of the few companies that do not focus on private label brands – and that is how it will stay. Our philosophy is not to compete with our suppliers, but to collaborate, create synergies, and get the best out of the brand together.
Starting with an objective analysis of the market and its potential, followed by an individual marketing strategy, up to the production of advertising material and success control, we are 100% committed to success and positive brand building.
Marketing offers us the opportunity to fill these strategies with life. To awaken emotions in the customer and invite them on a journey to faraway countries and cultures. To stimulate the imagination and ignite magic. To honor craftsmanship and know-how with every puff.